Monday, December 24, 2007

The Trail of Santa

While we were in Perth to visit Kung Kung and PoPo, we visited SantaLand. They had facility for us to email or write to Santa. Both Nigel and Ernest wrote to Santa. Santa told them that he will visit and to leave carrots for Reindeers, and only milk for Santa as Mrs Claus finds him a little overweight.

On the 21st Dec, the boys received a card from Santa Express, in the card, Santa said he has dropped by on the 20th, but since all our windows were locked, he could not leave their gifts. But promised to come back on Christmas Eve.

So tonight, before we went out for Midnight Mass, we left 10 carrots, 1 glass of milk, a Thank you note and the balcony door unlocked.

GUESS WHAT we found when we came back.

Half eaten carrots were scattered over the floor, milk was drank and there were 2 presents left on the table.

There was also a patch of (what look like) saliva on the floor. Must have been from the reindeers.

And since Santa only had 9 reindeers, and we left 1o carrots for them. So Santa took the remaining 1 back for Mrs Claus.

The boys were thrilled and opened their presents, it is Dual Masters Trading cards, which is on the top of their wish list. Something that Mommy refuses to buy for them.

The boys were definitely convinced that Santa and Rudolph have visited, after reindeer droppings have been spotted in the toilet. How well trained they are !!

So did Santa visit you? Have you been good? Or you just don't believe enough?

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